
This Policy explains how Learning Live protects and manages privacy of staff, clients and customers.


This Policy applies to all managers, officers, workers and contractors of Learning Live. This Policy also applies to Participants enrolled in the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) of Learning Live training courses or qualifications (Participants).

Policy Statement

Learning Live is committed to protecting the confidentiality and privacy of its staff, contractors and clients and, as such, is intent on complying with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the subsequent Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 (the Act) which came into effect on 12th March 2014. It is thus the policy of Learning Live to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPS) set out in the Act.

What personal information do we collect and release, how and why do we need it?

Learning Live collects and releases, in the normal course of business, information relating to its own staff, contractors, customers and training Participants.

Staff and Contractors

Learning Live collects and releases information about its staff and contractors which a business of this type would normally be expected to collect. This includes but is not limited to resumes, qualifications, medical records related to absences, financial records and performance reports. Information is collected and released in the normal course of business.

Training Participants

To enable us to fulfil our responsibilities as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), Learning Live will collect, use, store, and disseminate personal information, as defined by the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, in a manner consistent with the Information Protection Principles contained within that Act and those requirements as outlined in the Data Provisions of the VET Quality Framework NVR Standards for RTOs, including all data required for AVETMISS and other required reporting.

Information on Participants of training, is collected through enrolment forms and assessment records. Learning Live protects personal information about Participants from misuse or loss. Only staff who require Learner information to provide services or to process information are permitted access.

Personal information is stored in hard copy documents and/or in Learning Live’s training record management systems. We maintain regular security checks to ensure the confidentially of the information. If learner information that is collected from someone other than the Learner i.e. employer, the Learner will be notified and advised the circumstances for the collection.

Privacy Policy

(a) Learning Live is committed to protecting the privacy of a participant’s personal information. As a training organisation, Learning Live manages a participant’s information in accordance with the standards designated under the Australian Qualifications Training Framework.

(b) Learning Live will provide access to a participant’s training records only to the participant or to another person with the participant’s written consent or if required by law or for auditing purposes with ASQA or other governing bodies. No other access will be provided. A fee may be payable for access.

(c) Learning Live will ensure that any payment details provided by the participant are entered directly into the payment gateway (NAB Transact) in order to collect payment. Once payment is collected Learning Live will not store any payment information for a participant on file or in any other manner. Should participants wish to make a future payment with Learning Live they will be required to provide their payment details once again.

(d) Learning Live will provide access to participant information in accordance with the Terms and Conditions set out by Learning Live. Should participants require access to their personal information they must contact Learning Live in writing with two forms of ID. Learning Live will not in any circumstances store or disclose payment information previously disclosed by any participant.